martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

"Periodistas cautivos"

Disculpas por el retraso en sumarme a la histeria de Wikileaks, pero anduve por Madrid por la versión criolla de Wiki, es decir, los e-mails de Ricardo Jaime.

Recién ahora, por lo tanto, reviso el cable diplomático de la Embajada de Estados Unidos que da vueltas por el ciberespacio sobre los "periodistas cautivos" en el maletinazo, a los cuales los gringos le dieron papilla predigerida para que difundan la versión (gringa, obvio) de los hechos.

La versión pro-K de los hechos, como es obvio también, carga contra esos "periodistas cautivos", a los que acusa de haber difundido la versión yanki del escándalo, atacado al Gobierno y alentado la crispación, las divisiones, etcétera.

Comentarios varios de contexto:

1. El Gobierno de Estados Unidos tenía tanto o más interés que la Casa Rosada en bajarle el tono a la disputa. Recuerdo que por aquellos días de diciembre de 2007, los gringos estaban MUY molestos con los periodistas que estábamos en Miami informando sobre el escándalo, mientras que el embajador Earl "Tony" Wayne (en la foto, junto a CFK) difundía la versión "todo bien" sobre la relación bilateral.

2. La inmensa mayoría de los periodistas argentinos compraron la versión K de los hechos. Es decir, que Antonini Wilson era un agente de la CIA/FBI, que el único error de Claudio Uberti fue dejarlo subir al avión y que hubo una emboscada tendida por la administración Bush, con la connivencia de la Policía de Seguridad Aeroportuaria en el Aeroparque porteño.

3. Otro grupete de periodistas argentinos compraron la versión gringa de los hechos de que el incidente era algo "menor" o "anecdótico" y que se trataba de una tormenta de verano -rápido se formó, rápido se disiparía-, y que por lo tanto querían mirar "hacia adelante". Cuando con Anita Barón, mi colega de Clarín, escribíamos desde Washington que la mano venía más complicada -y que por lo tanto, por ejemplo, el placet para Héctor Timerman iba a tomar tiempo en ser aprobado, como ocurrió-, tanto los gringos como los argentos se enojaban con nosotros.

4. A lo largo de 3 años de investigación, los gobiernos de la Argentina y de Estados Unidos compitieron por verificar cuál cerraba mejor las fuentes en este caso. Más aún, los funcionarios gringos fueron tan o más insistentes en la cacería de nuestras fuentes que sus pares argentinos.

A continuación, el cable diplomático completo:


Classified By: Ambassador Wayne for reasons 1.4 (b) & (d). Summary

1. (C) The GOA has repeatedly suspended Ministerial-level contacts and has cut off some law enforcement contacts with the USG in wake of the continuing furor (ref a) over DOJ allegations that $800,000 intercepted August 4 by Argentine officials was a BRV cash contribution for Cristina Kirchner's (CFK) presidential campaign. The press reports that the GOA is considering further responses, including the staging of a massive protest in front of the Embassy which could involve radical and sometimes violent groups. The Argentine Deputy Foreign Minister advised the Ambassador that he would be called in to the MFA on December 18. The Ambassador used a previously scheduled holiday reception for more than 100 journalists to roll out Washington-cleared guidance reinforcing the message that the recent arrests in Miami do not constitute a U.S. conspiracy against the GOA and that the United States wants a good relationship with Argentina.

End Summary. GOA Ire Against USG Dominates Headlines

2. (SBU) Argentine media on December 14 continued to give extensive coverage to the GOA's furious reaction (ref a) to FBI allegations that $800,000 intercepted August 4 by Argentine officials was a BRV cash contribution for Cristina Kirchner's (CFK) presidential campaign. According to several sources, CFK was very angry and upset, interpreting U.S. arrests and charges as rejection of her overtures for better relations, an attempt to destabilize her new administration, and an effort to force her to distance Argentina from Venezuela. Following the lead of President Kirchner, her chief of staff and Justice Minister -- whose remarks (ref a) were broadcast and re-broadcast throughout the day and night -- a broad array of CFK's congressional, gubernatorial, and mayoral allies have accused the USG of slandering CFK and the GOA in premeditated fashion in its effort to get Chavez.

3. (SBU) Opposition leader and presidential candidate Elisa Carrio, who finished the October 28 polling in second place, ridiculed the GOA's attempt to portray the arrests as part of an anti-CFK conspiracy. "President Kirchner does not seem to understand that the justice system in the U.S. is autonomous. Thank God, (CFK) cannot stop the U.S. justice system. I am happy that the Americans are investigating, because they're the best guarantee (of an impartial inestigation). Not even the U.S. president can intervene." Leaders of other opposition parties questioned CFK's ties to Caracas and criticized the GOA for having let Antonini-Wilson leave the country before completing its own

GOA Gives the USG the Silent Treatment

4. (SBU) The press is further reporting that cabinet ministers have been instructed not to meet with the Ambassador, and that all U.S. requests for high-level meetings with GOA officials must be coordinated through the MFA. We are also hearing from our law enforcement contacts that they are being instructed by the GOA leadership to minimize contacts with us. Several bilateral meetings were cancelled under instruction on December 13. The Airport Security Police told Embassy they had been instructed not to meet with U.S. officials. On the afternoon of December 14, the GOA ended more than 24 hours of shunning contacts with the Embassy when Deputy Foreign Minister Garcia Moritan called the Ambassador. He advised the Ambassador that he should come to the MFA to meet Foreign Minister Taiana on the evening of December 18. We anticipate this will entail a protest and an explanation of the steps the GOA plans to undertake.

GOA-Organized Anti-USG Protest in the Offing?

5. (SBU) "La Nacion," the newspaper of record, and other media have reported that CFK and her top advisers repeatedly huddled Wednesday night and Thursday morning on how to deal with "the worst moment of the bilateral relationship with the United States" in the last four and a half years. According to "La Nacion," "the Casa Rosada (presidential palace) Thursday considered ordering mayors, social organizations, and activists ("piqueteros") to organize a mass demonstration of protest in front of the U.S. embassy." The article quotes an unnamed official at Casa Rosada who said, "We have not ruled it out. There is a great deal of anger with the United States, but it has not yet been decided." (Mission ARSO sent a report on this development and Mission counter-measures to DS Command Center -- ref b.)
6. (SBU) The press reported remarks by WHA A/S Shannon that the case was a law enforcement matter, not a political issue, and that it should not be allowed to affect bilateral relations. The press also quoted Department spokesman McCormack on the strength of the bilateral relationship and the independence of federal prosecutors, as well as similar statements by the Embassy's spokesperson.

The Empire Strikes Back: Mission PD Response

7. (U) The Ambassador used a previously scheduled holiday reception for more than 100 print, radio, and TV journalists December 14 to roll out Washington-cleared guidance on the case. Several of the radio journalists used their cell phones to transmit the Ambassador's words on the air through their stations, and many rushed out after the Ambassador concluded to call in stories. Several stories reporting on the Ambassador's reception remarks have already hit the wires. We expect that the Ambassador's remarks will dominate Argentine headlines Saturday. 8. (U) We also gave the journalists recent quotes by Assistant Secretary Shannon, Secretary Chao, Dana Perino, and the Ambassador on the U.S.-Argentine relationship. We are posting the Ambassador's remarks on the Mission's web page.


9. (C) What began as a black day for the U.S. image in Argentina -- with headlines filled with attacks by CFK and others about our supposedly dark intentions -- is ending on a more hopeful note, as the quick work by State, Justice, and the FBI to review and clear our draft guidance on the issue enabled us to get our story out to a captive group of Argentine journalists. As the first week of the CFK administration draws to a close, we have given pragmatists within the GOA material to work with in their effort to convince CFK to climb back from the precipice and re-engage with the USG as she begins the second week of her presidential term. We will see their reaction and response in the days ahead.

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